HCMC – 17.11.2022 

LIFE Centre, implementing the LADDERS project, currently supports 32 community-based organizations and social enterprises (CBO/SEs) across ten provinces where they provide critical support and services to vulnerable people from all walks of life- including priority populations such as students, factory workers and young people in the army, etc. Typically, young male troops in the Vietnamese army have limited access to information, communications and services related to sex, safe sex practices, HIV/STIs, PrEP/PEP and ARV treatment.

In an effort to reach out to this potentially at-risk group, LADDERS supported the Gate CBO to successfully host an event named “In the troop backpack” attended by more than 150 soldiers of the 434th Brigade in coordination with the Women’s Academy and leadership of the Brigade Command. The young individuals were impressed, excited and inquisitive as the presenting experts and community outreach workers conveyed information and knowledge of sex, safe sex practices and HIV/STIs via interactions, games and sharing activities.

They all learned the importance of embracing themselves, regular health check-ups, condom use and HIV treatment as well as being informed about PrEP/PEP and the ability of the Gate CBO to offer these and potential other desired health services. “In the troop backpack” offered an idea for young armed forces to stay extra safe, healthy and ready to serve the country, which is highly appreciated by the leadership of the unit.

This specific breakthrough, opens windows and opportunities for upcoming initiatives and activities targeting new priority populations in the hope of providing information, knowledge and services related to HIV, safe sex practices and health-seeking habits. This also clearly proves the capacities and creativity power of a community-based organization in terms of expanding and maximizing the impact of their community work with given resources.

Figure 1 & 2. The event was attended by nearly 150 young soldiers, the Brigade Leaders, Life Centre and the Gate CBO.

Figure 3. The young soldiers were excited, interactive and might need more activities like ‘In the troop backpack’ to learn more about how to better take care of themselves and serve the best to the country.

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